SCHOOL OPENING: Thursday 1st of September
MID TERM BREAK: Monday 31st of October to Friday 4th of November
School re-opens on Monday, 7th of November
CHRISTMAS BREAK: Thursday 22nd of December to Wednesday 4th of January
School closes on Wednesday 21st of December
School re-opens on Thursday 5th of January.
ST. BRIGID’S DAY: School closed on Monday 6th of February
MID TERM BREAK: School closed on Thursday 16th of February & Friday 17th of February
ST. PATRICK’S DAY: School closed on Friday 17th of March
EASTER BREAK: Monday 3rd of April to Sunday 16th of April
School closes on Friday 31st of March
School re-opens on Monday 17th of April
MAY BANK HOLIDAY: School closed for the week of Monday 1st of May to Friday 5th of May
School re-opens on Monday May 8th
JUNE BANK HOLIDAY: School closed on Monday 5th of June
SUMMER HOLIDAYS: School closes on Friday 30th of June.
Please Note: This calendar could be subject to change as part of contingency arrangements to make up for time lost due to unforeseen school closures. You will be given adequate notice of any changes.