Dear Parents Issue: 06 December 16th 2021
Congratulations to Miss O’Byrne and her husband on their wedding last week. The whole school community would like to wish them Health & Happiness in their future life together!
Best Attendance:
- Congratulations to Miss O’Byrne’s 2nd class on having the Best Attendance for the month of November.
Storm Barra:
- We apologise for the inconvenience that the school closure last week may have caused for families in our school. Boards of Management of schools in the orange and red category areas had no choice in the matter. With open windows and doors in particular at this time, together with unpredictable power outages resulting from the storm, it is understandable how it wouldn’t have been safe or comfortable for pupils or staff to have been at school. Please God adverse weather conditions don’t interrupt proceedings again for the rest of the year.
- Thank you to pupils and parents for all your efforts to date, in adhering to all the current public health guidelines. We appreciate your support and co-operation with all the new measures that have been implemented by the Department.
- We have also been asked to remind the whole school community to adhere to all public health guidelines, while enjoying the holiday period
- We’d appreciate it if the magic of the season could be preserved for all the children in the school. Staff will certainly play their part. It is a special time in particular for primary school children. We’d like to ensure it remains that way. We thank you for playing your part
- We are expecting a visit from Santa one of the days next week.
- All the classes have recorded a mini Christmas performance. These performances have been collated together into the school Christmas iMovie Special. The movie will “premiere” tomorrow on the YouTube channel for parents to view. Once it’s available, a link will be sent to all parents.
- All the children have received a Christmas annual courtesy of the Parents Council this year. These are fun & educational Christmas-themed activity books. The money raised from the Cross-County run back in October was used to fund the annuals.
- The school will hold a Christmas Jumper fundraiser on Tuesday December 21st in aid of the Athenry Christmas lights committee. This will be a non-uniform day. The children may come to school wearing a Christmas jumper, hat etc., or alternatively, they can come to school dressed in their own clothes. We ask for a donation of €1 or €2 for this non-uniform day, which will be given to the Athenry Christmas Lights committee, to assist them in making our town look so festive every Christmas.
- The school will close at 11.45am on Wednesday December 22nd for the Christmas holidays and will re-open on Thursday January 6th at 8.40am (with class starting @ 8.50am sharp)
Dates for Diary & School Closures:
- Wednesday December 22nd – all children go home at 11.45am : Christmas Holidays
- Thursday Jan 6th – school re-opens for Term 2
- Thursday Jan 27th – Staff meeting Term 2. All children go home at 1.15pm
- Monday Feb 7th to Friday Feb 11th – annual book fair with Tara Book Co. (on line)
- Monday February 21st to Friday February 25th: Mid-term break
- Thursday March 10th – Staff training Term 2 (PLC webinar). All children go home at 1.15pm
- Tuesday March 22nd: School Photographer
- Monday April 11th to Friday April 22nd: Easter Holidays
Athenry Hockey Club:
- Many thanks to the coaches from the new Athenry Swans Hockey club who provided coaching sessions to Mr Hanley’s 1st class, Miss Dolan’s 1st class and Mrs McSpadden’s 1st / 2nd class today.
- If anyone is interested in joining the Hockey club they will be running a “taster session” on January 16th at 3.30pm. Check out the Athenry Swans facebook page for further details.
TULCA Visual Arts:
- Mrs Monson’s 6th class had their workshop with artist Aoife Barret today (it had to be rescheduled due to the school closure for Storm Barra last week).
Marathon Kids:
- Tomorrow Mr Kelly’s 5th / 6th class and Mrs Monson’s 6th class will be running the Final Mile of their marathon training.
- The girls have run just over 40km since the October mid-term break and this final mile event brings them up to a full 42km marathon route
- They will each receive a medal and a t-shirt at a small ceremony after the event.
- Congratulations to them all on this phenomenal achievement!!!!
Sensory Garden:
- Sincere thanks to the Board of Management who have given the go-ahead to the “Sensory Garden” plans that can be seen posted on the front door. The project is currently out to tender and we are hopeful that works can begin in the Spring.
- Sincere thanks to “Direct Route” (the maintenance company who look after the motorway) who have agreed to donate €750 towards the cost of the project.
Re-vamp of Reception Area:
- “Julie the Genie” has been contracted to give the school reception area a face-lift. The plans are very exciting and involve lots of colour! Watch this space!!!
Amalgamation Update:
- The possible amalgamation of Scoil Chroí Naofa and Athenry Boys school is still being discussed
- We have received confirmation that a new building for the amalgamated school is on the list of the Department’s projects
Presentation Field:
- We have been advised that the Presentation sisters have sold the Presentation field to the GRETB. As a Presentation school we have had access to this field for sports days, athletics events and camogie matches. It is unclear at the moment how / when our access to this field will be affected.
The staff and Board of Management wish to thank our parent body for all their support always. 2021 has been another eventful year! It’s been a pleasure working with you and your children.
Nollaig shona agus bliain nua mhaith!
Fergal Naughton