6th class Science Week

6th class Science Week

This week is Science Week. We are doing an experiment everyday. Today’s experiment was making straw...
Bio-engineering in 5th and 6th class

Bio-engineering in 5th and 6th class

The girls learned about the advantages and advances in bio-engineering today. We discussed the fact that Galway is one of the leading cities in Europe for biomedical expertise. In order to give the girls a chance to experience bio engineering they all created a...
Growing peas in Greenhouses, Room 8

Growing peas in Greenhouses, Room 8

Our experiment to see whether we could each create our own mini greenhouse and grow pea seeds was a great success! Some of our seeds began growing within two days of being planted, encouraged by the heat generated by the greenhouses.All the greenhouses were brought...
Growing Seeds in Greenhouses, Room 8

Growing Seeds in Greenhouses, Room 8

Today First Class is going to bring home the greenhouses and the pea seeds they planted in them on Tuesday. Three have already started to sprout with the heat generated by the plastic of the greenhouses helping them to grow rapidly. The class will keep us updated on...
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