Diversity Committee

Due to Covid 19, our SCN Diversity Committee has had to put its duties on hold but is very much looking forward to resuming duties when safe to do so. This page will be updated as soon as the Diversity Committee is relaunched.
The main roles and responsibilities of the Diversity Committee include:
- Closing doors after everybody enters and leaves the building for yard time for both the junior and senior side of the school.
- Delivering and collecting yard bells for the teacher on duty ( bell monitors).
- Monitoring children leaving and entering the school building in straight and safe lines on the junior and senior sides. We call this ‘roundabout’ monitoring.
- Being friendship monitors on both the junior and senior yards.
We are all so proud of our Diversity Committee and their commitment to their roles.
Throughout the year there are additional duties and responsibilities the Diversity Committee can be involved in and they include:
- Promoting respectful friendships and equality in our school.
- For the month of September, they help the Junior Infants settle out on the yards.
- Welcoming any group of visitors who come to visit us in SCN.
- Presenting a PowerPoint presentation on the school’s information night for new parents.
- Assisting the infant teachers with the new Junior Infants when they visit the school for an hour in June.
- General jobs around the school where many hands are needed- carrying chairs, helping with decorations etc.
- Contributing to Friendship/Kindness/Anti-Bullying week.
- Chaperones for grandparents on our annual Grandparents Day.
Please click on the link below to download a PowerPoint created by the Diversity Committee for newcomer pupils: