Green Schools
We are a Green School with 9 Green Flags
Green-Schools is Ireland’s leading environmental management and education programme for schools. Promoting long-term, whole-school action for the environment Green-Schools is a student-led programme with involvement from the wider community. The programme is operated and coordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce.
One of our millennium projects was to become involved in the Green School Programme. We have been awarded nine flags based on the following themes:
- Litter & Waste.
- Energy.
- Water.
- Travel.
- Biodiversity.
- Global Citizenship Litter and Waste.
- Global Citizenship Energy.
- Global Citizenship Marine Environment.
- Global Citizenship Travel.
We are currently on our two-year programme for the 10th theme which is Global Citizenship Food and Biodiversity. This two-year theme explores how to grow, harvest and prepare your own food using organic means whilst also investigating the impacts of the current food production system on the local and global environment. Every class will get to experience growing and harvesting their own food over the next two years!
Mrs Greally is the current Green School Coordinator, assisted by her fourth class. Mr Kelly’s 5th and 6th class are a sub-committee for the current theme as they have a keen interest in and a great knowledge of growing plants and vegetables.
We all have a responsibility in looking after our environment and everyone can make a difference. We in Scoil Chroí Naofa have become friends of the environment by:
- Keeping our school clean and tidy.
- Disposing of our waste in the correct bins.
- Saving electricity.
- Making the best use of heat.
- Conserving water in our school.
- Enhancing our school environment.
- Walking to school whenever we can or using Park and Stride.
- Protecting biodiversity in our local area.
- Thinking globally and acting locally.
Our Scoil Chroí Naofa Green School Code is:
“Be seen to be green, keep our environment clean”.